The Mifflin Guard
The online headquarters of The Mifflin Guard, a progressive battalion of American Civil War living historians and reenactors from the Mid Atlantic and New England regions.
Mifflin Guard's Purpose
The Mifflin Guard is a nonprofit organization of volunteer Civil War Reenactors who have an active interest in historic preservation and interpretation. We have chosen to portray the Federal soldiers of the American Civil War. The Mifflin Guard's membership is located in the Mid-Atlantic region, including Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland and Massachusetts. Units and individuals that constitute the Mifflin Guard are dedicated to presenting American Civil War history accurately and are actively involved in historic preservation issues. If this sounds like what you or your Civil War reenactment organization is interested in, the Mifflin Guard may be what you are looking for!
The member units of the Mifflin Guard meet every year to vote on a schedule of events, new membership, and changes to the charter. Check out our active schedule. The Mifflin Guard charter is uncomplicated and protects each member unit's independence. Nonetheless, it is required that all Mifflin Guard units drill and operate in the field as a battalion at Mifflin Guard events. This calls for proficiency in both company and battalion drill.
Though we pride ourselves on our accomplished drilling, comradeship, and fierce military spirit, the Mifflin Guard is a family-friendly organization. Our Civilians are a growing, diverse group, with a lively camp life and a variety of activities going on at most major events.
Events the Mifflin Guard attend include; public battle reenactments (large and small), tacticals (usually private, "unscripted" battles), living histories, ceremonies, parades, dedications, lectures, dinners, and dances. We enjoy a great balance of education, public service, and fun. Check our event schedule for more detail.